KITTFORT Primaštuk® is a universal stucco plaster in a grey-white shade, in a pasty state, designed for creating a final thin-layer plaster, for surface unification and repairs of panel surfaces, for plastering basic core plaster, concrete, masonry, and drywall. It is ideal for repairing old plaster or for surfaces made of concrete, aerated concrete, and plasterboard. Perfect for reconstructing panel apartments to unify concrete walls and ceilings. The created plaster serves as a suitable base for... Celý popis

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KITTFORT Primaštuk® is a universal stucco plaster in a grey-white shade, in a pasty state, designed for creating a final thin-layer plaster, for surface unification and repairs of panel surfaces, for plastering basic core plaster, concrete, masonry, and drywall. It is ideal for repairing old plaster or for surfaces made of concrete, aerated concrete, and plasterboard. Perfect for reconstructing panel apartments to unify concrete walls and ceilings. The created plaster serves as a suitable base for interior and facade paints. Primaštuk, after a light mix, is applied with stainless steel trowels in a layer from 1 mm to 3 mm. Once set (approx. 30 min.), the plaster is smoothed with a mason's felt trowel to achieve a smooth, continuous surface.

- Very good adhesion to the surface
- Overcoatable with common paints after 24 hours
- Suitable base for interior and facade paints
- Easy application
- Coverage: 1.5 - 2 kg/m2 (2 - 3 mm layer)
- Drying time: Surface dry: 25 min., after setting approx. 30 min., surface can be smoothed with a felt trowel
- Surface finish: Overcoatable with common paints after 24 hours

Preparation of Substrate:
The substrate must be firm, cohesive, free of dust, grease, and impurities.
Substrate: masonry, concrete, aerated concrete, panel surfaces, core plasters

After a light mix, Primaštuk is applied with stainless steel trowels in a layer from 1 mm to 3 mm. Once set (approx. 30 min.), the plaster is smoothed with a mason's felt trowel to achieve a smooth, continuous surface.

Safety Standard Phrases:
Irritating to skin. Causes serious eye damage. May cause respiratory irritation.

Available Packaging:
2 kg; 8 kg; 14 kg; 25 kg

Hlavní parametry:
- Velmi dobrá přilnavost k povrchu
- Přetíratelný běžnými nátěrovými hmotami po 24 hodinách
- Vhodný podklad pro interiérové a fasádní barvy
- Snadná aplikace
- Výtěžnost: 1,5 - 2 kg/m2 (vrstva 2 - 3 mm)
- Doba schnutí: Povrchově suchý: 25 minut, po zavadnutí cca. 30 minut, povrch je možné vyhladit filcovým hladítkem
- Povrchová úprava: Přetíratelný běžnými nátěrovými hmotami po 24 hodinách
- Dostupné balení: 2 kg; 8 kg; 14 kg; 25 kg
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Velikost balení 2 kg
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