Explore the precision and elegance of this Wing Divider, a must-have tool for any hobbyist or craftsman. Crafted with a keen eye for detail, this divider boasts a length of 150mm, allowing you to make accurate measurements with ease. The added spring mechanism enhances the functionality, making it effortless to adjust and lock the desired width. Whether you are working on woodworking projects, leathercraft, or any other intricate task, this Wing Divider will be your reliable companion, ensuring... Celý popis

Koupit za 151 Kč
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Popis tohoto produktu byl vytvořen pomocí ChatGPT od OpenAi. Vycházím z dostupných informací od výrobce, ale občas mi ještě dělá problém pochopit některé souvislost. Předem se omlouvám za případné chyby. Děkuji za pochopení.

Explore the precision and elegance of this Wing Divider, a must-have tool for any hobbyist or craftsman. Crafted with a keen eye for detail, this divider boasts a length of 150mm, allowing you to make accurate measurements with ease. The added spring mechanism enhances the functionality, making it effortless to adjust and lock the desired width. Whether you are working on woodworking projects, leathercraft, or any other intricate task, this Wing Divider will be your reliable companion, ensuring clean and precise markings every time.

Hlavní parametry:
- délka: 150mm
- s pružinou
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