Explore the world of angles with this versatile angle measure tool! Whether you're a professional carpenter, a math enthusiast, or a DIY hobbyist, this tool is perfect for all your angle measuring needs. With a range of 0 to 180 degrees, you can easily measure and adjust angles for various projects. The 300mm length provides stability and precision, making it ideal for both small-scale and large-scale tasks. Say goodbye to guesswork and uneven angles – this adjustable angle measure is here to make... Celý popis

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Popis tohoto produktu byl vytvořen pomocí ChatGPT od OpenAi. Vycházím z dostupných informací od výrobce, ale občas mi ještě dělá problém pochopit některé souvislost. Předem se omlouvám za případné chyby. Děkuji za pochopení.

Explore the world of angles with this versatile angle measure tool! Whether you're a professional carpenter, a math enthusiast, or a DIY hobbyist, this tool is perfect for all your angle measuring needs. With a range of 0 to 180 degrees, you can easily measure and adjust angles for various projects. The 300mm length provides stability and precision, making it ideal for both small-scale and large-scale tasks. Say goodbye to guesswork and uneven angles – this adjustable angle measure is here to make your projects a breeze!

Hlavní parametry:
- Rozsah: 0 až 180 stupňů
- Délka: 300 mm
- Možnost nastavení a měření různých úhlů
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